Vote now! See Lancaster Co. Democrats Voter Guide

VOTE: Tues, 8 am-8 pm see polling locations, check VBM ballot status:

Return your mail ballot by 8 PM to Lancaster Co. Election Office, 601 N. 46th, between Vine and R Streets. Call 402-476-2268 if you need help getting your ballot to the Election office.

See Lancaster County Democrats Voter Guide.

See sample ballot.

Nebraska Democratic Party's Voting Center.

See Volunteer opportunities! On Tuesday, Nov. 6: call for a ride to the polls: 402-476-2268 | Uber free rides to the polls

Election Protection

Civic Nebraska Election Protection Line: (402) 904-5191 / En Español: 1-888-839-8682
  • If you experience any problems on election day you can call Civic Nebraska’s voter protection hotline, they have a team of lawyers on hand.
Nebraska Secretary of State’s Election Integrity Unit: 888-727-0007
  • The unit consists of trained staff members who can take information from voters wishing to report any inappropriate behavior witnessed at a polling place.


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