Primary Election
May 10, 2022
Nebraska Democrats made significant gains in the Legislature during Tuesday’s General election — flipping three seats from the GOP — and Lancaster County became Nebraska’s new “Blue Dot” as Democrats won every single Legislative seat that was up in the Capital city as well as every county race.
Elsewhere, Nebraska voters approved Initiative 427, which will put Nebraska in the company of 33 other states that have expanded Medicaid. The end result will make an estimated 90,000 Nebraskans eligible for Medicaid and allow the state to receive hundreds of millions in federal funds – which it currently pays into without receiving any – with a smaller state investment. This followed the approval in 2014 of Initiative 425, which increased the state’s minimum wage, by a vote of 59 percent to 41 percent.
Read Nebraska Democratic Party news release.
Lincoln's representative on the Nebraska Board of Education, Patsy Koch Kohns, will serve as the President for this upcoming year. Patsy Koch Johns was elected to the Nebraska Board of Education in 2016.
I have submitted my resignation as Lancaster County Democratic Party Chair. It's been an honor to serve this all-volunteer organization for the past four years. Our focus has been to elect candidates, organize volunteers and