Apply for Lower Platte South NRD Board, Sub-district 3

With the sad passing of Mike DeKalb the Lower Platte South NRD board will be appointing a replacement for Sub-district 3. Applicants must submit a letter and their qualifications to the board by noon Dec. 4. The board plans to fill

the vacancy at its Dec. 16 meeting. State statute requires such a quick turnaround.

Applicants must be a resident of Subdistrict 3 and a registered voter. Subdistrict 3 includes northeast Lincoln and extends north and west, including Davey and Ceresco. The new director will fill the vacancy from Jan. 7 through 2022.

Application letters should be addressed to: Board of Directors, Lower Platte South NRD, P.O. Box 83581, Lincoln, NE 68501-3581, or emailed to [email protected].

Read the Journal Star article.

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