Apply for NDP State Central Committee

Nebraska Democratic Party State Central Committee members attend quarterly meetings (online during the pandemic). There is one female and one male delegate (voting member) per legislative district.

>Lincoln Legislative district map* | NDP Delegate Manual | NDP SCC Members.

The following seats are vacant:

  • Legislative District 21- Male Delegate
  • LD 25- Female Delegate, Female Alternate
  • LD 27- Female Alternate, Male Alternate
  • LD 28- Female Alternate
  • LD 29- Male Alternate
  • LD 32- Female Delegate, Female Alternate, Male Alternate
  • LD 46- Female Alternate

To apply or if you have questions, contact First Congressional District Chair John Yoakum [email protected].

The next SCC meeting is June 5.

Know any Democrats who want to volunteer in Polk and Stanton Counties? NDP's CD1 seeks County Chairs, see list.

Lancaster County Democratic Party's Central Committee meets monthly, 7 pm on the third Tuesday. Meeting info is emailed via Enewsletter.

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